Festival Founder/Director/Producer/Curator
Tom Frouge
Volunteer Coordinator
Jade Leyva
Sponsorship Opportunities & Vendor Information
Mailing Lists
Join the ¡Globalquerque! Mailing List for festival updates and information on year-round ¡Globalquerqeu! events
Join the Avokado Artists Mailing List to receive the occasional newsletter about our Family of Artists and Events.
Artist Submission Policy
We try to listen to every inquiry & submission. Please note that due to the amount of submissions received, and our small staff, we cannot respond to every inquiry or email. If we are interested in booking you for the festival, we will absolutely get in touch! Please note that your submission this year may result in awareness for next year or future years. We do accept unsolicited submissions. We accept digital and physical submissions.
A couple of things to keep in mind:
- If you do not already have a US tour planned, we cannot be your entrée into the country, as we do not have the resources to bring performers to the USA.
- Please include link(s) to LIVE videos
- Please make sure your music fits the kind of festival ¡Globalquerque! is and your band is of the type that we book.
Please send your digital submission to:
Please send your physical submission to:
25 Juniper Rd
Placitas, NM 87043
Thanks so much for sharing, and keep making music!
Photo by Jack Clift